Does Delta 8 Show Up in a Drug Test?

by | Nov 18, 2022 | Latest News | 0 comments

Depending on where you live, you may have seen Delta THC products on shelves already. You can usually find them at smoke shops, wherever tobacco and cannabidiol (CBD) products are sold. And you must be at least eighteen (18) years of age or older to purchase Delta THC products. 

But there are many misconceptions about Delta 8 or Delta 10 edibles, smokables, or tinctures.  And one of the concerns is whether or not someone may test positive for THC if they only use Delta products and not cannabis. 

If you are looking to add healthy cannabinoids for therapeutic purposes, is Delta THC your safest choice? We provide some answers to the most common questions people have about Delta 8 and D10 products.  


What Is Delta 8?

There are hundreds of cannabinoids, and Delta 8 THC products have not been around for a long time.  For some people, Delta 10 and Delta 8 THC can provide some relief from symptoms of stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and insomnia.  Much like medical cannabis and clinical-grade CBD products.

However, while Delta THC is similar to cannabis in terms of psychoactive and physical effects, it is not the same.  hem.  It occurs naturally in very low concentrations in every cannabis plant.  And Delta 8 interacts with the human endocannabinoid system.  

 Delta 8 has a similar molecular structure to Delta 9 THC, or marijuana.  Under a microscope, Delta 8 looks different from marijuana molecules, however.  It has a double bond at the eighth carbon chain position.  Marijuana has a double bond at the ninth position.

But Delta 8 occurs in very small amounts in hemp and cannabis plants.  Because of the trace amounts, many commercial Delta THC products are synthetic and manufactured by distilling hemp extracts with solvents. 


Is Delta 8 THC Legal to Purchase and Possess?

The 2018 Farm Act changed the status of hemp products, including cannabidiol or CBD. By federally legalizing all hemp products that contained 0.30% THC or less, manufacturers were able to legally sell CBD products. Specifically edibles, tablets, and tinctures. 

The federal government did not anticipate the popularity of Delta 8 products.  Which appeared to be legalized along with cannabidiol (CBD). As long as the Delta 8 or Delta 10 products did not exceed the maximum 0.30% THC level established for CBD supplements. 

The US Hemp Authority has stopped certifying Delta 8 THC products.  It has also issued an advisory for manufacturers to stop producing it.  In 2022, there are 21 states that have significantly restricted Delta 8 or Delta 10 products or banned them altogether. 

States that have banned or restricted Delta 8 and Delta 10 products include

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Montana
  • New York
  • Nevada
  • North Dakota
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • South Dakota
  • South Carolina
  • Utah
  • Vermont

A legal battle continues in Texas, where the Department of Health (DOH) wants to ban Delta THC products entirely.  Texas has a very restrictive low-THC medical cannabis program.  A reason why some feel the Delta THC market is booming in the state.

That may also be why Delta THC products remain legal after a temporary stay by the Texas Supreme Court was issued. When regulators attempted to define Delta 8 and Delta 10 products as illegal controlled substances. 


Safety Concerns Regarding Delta THC Products

Just because something is available for sale does not mean it is entirely safe.  Because the FDA has not approved Delta THC products, they are currently not safety inspected. And there are no federal regulations regarding food standards for the products. 

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there were 104 reports of adverse health events from people who consumed Delta 8 THC products from December 2020 to February 2022. 

However, the U.S. National Poison Control centers reported 2,362 incidents involving Delta 8 THC products from January 2021 to February 2022.  According to the reports, some of the health incidents required hospitalization and care.  And in one case, a pediatric fatality was reported. 

  • 58% of poisoning incidents with Delta THC products involved adults.  But 41% of cases involved a minor under eighteen (18) years.
  • In cases of pediatric health emergencies, 82% were unintentional exposure to Delta THC where a minor did not know what they were ingesting.
  • 70% of cases required evaluation at a health care facility. Of the number of cases requiring medical care, 45% of the patients were minors. 

While THC overdose incidents are rarely fatal, young children are most at risk.  That is why states have implemented laws regarding packaging and product appearance.  To prevent Delta THC or standard cannabis products from appealing to children or resembling candy or a treat. 


How Long Does Delta-8 Stay in Your Body?

There are no hard and fast rules about Delta-8 THC and drug testing.  Even though there are some misconceptions that it is undetectable because it is not Delta-9 THC or marijuana.  Or Delta-8 THC leaves your system naturally in a shorter period than cannabis.

The truth is that you can test positive for THC if you use Delta-8.  Because drug tests cannot differentiate between Delta 8, Delta 10, or standard Indica or Sativa strains of marijuana.  Everything registers at THC on a test.  So yes, you will test positive for THC if you have consumed Delta 8 or Delta 10 products. 

How long Delta THC remains in your bloodstream depends on a number of factors.  The first consideration is body weight and metabolism.  A faster metabolism will remove traces of THC from the body much faster. 

The frequency of use also considers testing positive for Delta 8 or Delta 10 THC.  If you have never used the products before and used them a single time, you may not test positive after a few days.  However, if you regularly use Delta THC products, you may test positive after thirty days or longer following ingestion. 

Delta THC is detectable by both blood and urine testing.  And it appears in the same way as marijuana (Delta 9 THC) on drug tests. This means if you live in a jurisdiction where cannabis is not legalized, you could face legal consequences.  Even if Delta THC is not prohibited in your state. 


What Does It Feel Like to Consume Delta THC?

You may find two types of Delta THC products in a local smoke shop.  Delta 8 is known to have properties similar to Indica.  In other words, consuming Delta 8 THC may make you feel relaxed and drowsy.  For this reason, it is not recommended for daytime use.

Delta 10 THC can be similar to ingesting Sativa cannabis.  The psychoactive effects tend to include feeling happy, anxiety-free, uplifted, and energetic.  Delta 10 is rapidly gaining popularity as a social alternative to alcohol, often without the unfortunate hangover effect that drinking may cause. 

What Kind of Delta THC Products Are Available?

The most common type of Delta THC product you can purchase is a disposable vape.  A Delta THC vape costs about $30 plus tax, and there may be different strains to choose from. However, Delta THC is semi-synthetic and processed, and the effect of terpenes and flavonoids and potential wellness benefits are minimal.  Compared to raw cannabis flower or organic hemp products. 

A second popular selling form of Delta THC products is edibles.  These can be in hard candy (lozenges) or chewable gummies. In some states, cannabidiol (CBD) beverages are available and legal to purchase. And carbonated drinks or alcoholic beverages may be infused with either Delta 8 or Delta 10 THC. 

There are smokable varieties of Delta THC, including D8 or D10 flower.  The Delta THC flower looks very similar to the industrial hemp flower CBD products are made from.  But smokable cannabidiol (CBD) flower has less than 0.30% THC and does not provide a psychoactive effect.  Whereas Delta THC flower does. 


Is Delta-8 Safe to Use and Consume Regularly?

There has not been enough clinical research to determine whether Delta 8 or Delta 10 hemp is safe to use over a long period of time. The same holds for cannabis, whether used as marijuana for recreational purposes. Or for medical purposes as part of a doctor-supervised treatment plan symptoms.

One of the primary concerns about Delta THC products is the processing method.  While cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD) are extracted using standardized methods, Delta THC is a semi to fully synthetic product.  It can be extracted using chemicals and solvents that may present a health hazard.   

Olivetol is a THC precursor commonly found in Delta 8 and Delta 10 products.  The compound reduces the intoxicating effects of Delta THC.  This is why some people call Delta THC “cannabis light” because the psychoactive effects are milder than marijuana.  However, medical researchers are not sure whether olivetol is safe to inhale. 

Some Delta THC products have tested positive for residual amounts of dichloromethane and trichloroacetic acid.  According to clinical studies, exposure to dichloromethane has been linked to certain types of cancer. And trichloroacetic acid has been found to be corrosive to human tissues (eyes and skin) and may cause respiratory damage, coughing, and shortness of breath. 


Are CBD Products Safer to Use?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to help with various health concerns.  Hemp-derived CBD can provide anti-inflammatory benefits and natural relief for stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and other conditions. 

People who take CBD on a daily basis do not experience any psychoactive effects.  Most people who use CBD will not test positive for THC on a drug test.  Provided the product they are taking is compliant in terms of ingredients and THC content. 

It is important to choose a product sourced from organic industrial hemp and read the certificate of analysis (COA).  This will confirm that the THC levels in the CBD you take are below 0.30%, which is the maximum amount per federal regulations. 

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